Volume 7, Number 2, December 2017
Understanding Participator Patterns and Trends to Convention Destination |
Ya-Ling Huang¹, Yen-Hsien Lee²*
Understanding association convention participation is increasingly important to convention marketers and meeting planners. This paper examines the destination from convention tourists’ perspectives. Challenges to overcome in the development of a successful sustainable convention industry include the need for expansion of the destination image to reflect the region’s convention and exhibition holding qualities; a shift towards independent high-yield convention tourists; and reintroducing. The evaluation is based on secondary data from Visitors Expenditure and Trends in Taiwan Survey of Tourism Bureau, Taiwan. The database composed of 616 respondents, and data was analyzed by using the factor analysis, one-way ANOVA and chi-square test methods. The results indicated that the advertisements, free time on sightseeing, trip arrange and meeting and travel satisfaction traits has a visible effects on revisit intention of convention destination, and four factors of travel satisfaction are identified. Finally, this study provides valuable information for convention marketers and meeting planners attempting to develop offers that are well adapted to the needs of their target markets.
Keywords: Convention, Meeting, Satisfaction, Preference
JEL Classification: M31, M37
¹ Department of Golden-Ager Industry Management, Chaoyang University of Technology
E-mail: ylhuang@cyut.edu.tw
² Department of Finance, Chung Yuan Christian University
E-mail: yh@cycu.edu.tw